At WYLDBUCK we want to ensure you get the best quality service with your new bike – that’s why we don’t deliver your bike in a box. WYLDBUCK bikes are made up to order and delivered to your door as a complete bike. Your bike will be delivered by a member of the WYLDBUCK team who is there to run through the operating instructions, take you through the necessary paperwork and make sure your bike is set up ready for you to ride.
Because we set up and check the bike for the rider, we ask that the intended user of the bike is present at the point of delivery.
We will contact you within 2 working days of your order to check the specification of the bike being built. Working days are Monday-Friday.
We ship all our bikes free of charge within mainland UK. We do not deliver to PO boxes. We will contact you to arrange a convenient delivery slot for your bike. We aim to deliver your bike within 4 weeks.
Upon delivery, please provide a copy of your order confirmation, the card used in transaction and photo ID (driver’s licence or passport). If you are unable to produce the correct documentation during delivery, then we will be unable to deliver the bike and a charge will be payable to arrange redelivery.
If you are unable to keep the delivery slot, please contact us as soon as possible; as a redelivery charge of £95 will be payable unless 24 hours notice is given.
You are required to sign for the delivery of your bike, this acknowledges that the goods are in an acceptable and working condition and agreement to the terms and conditions on which the e-bike is sold. You will be given a copy of this signed paperwork.
Delivery of items other than bikes.
We aim to ship items within 3 working days of order. These items will be posted free of charge.
If we are experiencing a high volume of orders, processing, shipping and delivery times may take longer than stated. If there is going to be a significant delay with your order, we will contact you.